Trenchard Road, Ashby de a Launde, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 3JY

01526 320088

Digby the Tedder Primary School

Class 4 Autumn

This term, our topic was ‘The Ancient Egyptians’. Here is some of our learning.

We discovered where the ancient Egyptians lived, who Tutankhamun was and how mummies were made. We also learnt about how the Egyptians used hieroglyphics to communicate.


In design and technology, we made shadufs which was a hand-operated device for lifting water.


Our class book was ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ by Beverley Naidoo. In English, we retold the story of Rhodopis being abducted by bandits from her home and enslaved in Egypt.


We also studied the book ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll and wrote formal letters from Grandad Ezra to Lil detailing his expedition and discovery of a cursed canopic jar.


We also had great fun in our contemporary dance lessons on a Friday afternoon with Miss Sammy. We each worked with a partner to choreograph our own dance, before performing it.