Trenchard Road, Ashby de a Launde, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 3JY

01526 320088

Digby the Tedder Primary School

Class 5 Summer


This term, our topic was The Romans. Here are some photos of our work.

We enjoyed a visit to The Collection in Lincoln where we examined Roman artefacts, took part in a Roman shopping workshop and practised our archaeology skills by taking part in a dig. 

After learning about aqueducts, we were challenged to make our own. It all got a little bit soggy when we tested them!

In science, we learnt about life cycles. As part of our learning, we dissected a flower to identify the parts involved in reproduction. 

On French Day, we learnt about the different countries around the world where French is spoken. We especially enjoyed the French breakfast!

We also had the chance to learn about Hinduism and Indian culture when we were visited by Sunita Patel. 

In addition, we enjoyed a drumming workshop.