Trenchard Road, Ashby de a Launde, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 3JY

01526 320088

Digby the Tedder Primary School

Class 2 Summer Work


This term Class 2 have been doing lots of different activities for their topic ‘’The Secret Garden’’.


In Design and Technology, we learned about salads and root vegetables, and why they are healthy. We tried a variety of root vegetable salads and made our own potato salad too.

As part of Road Safety week we went for a walk around camp and learned how to cross a road safely.

In art, we looked at the artist Vincent Van Gough and his painting called ‘Sunflowers’. We had a go at painting our own sunflowers using paint, oil pastels and fork painting.

In English, we wrote our own mini beast riddles. We found out lots of interesting facts about different kinds of mini beasts that exist.

In Science, we looked at animals including humans and we learned lots about different plants too.


We have had lots of fun this term, well done Class 2!